Thursday, December 1, 2011

PHASE 1 Genesis vs. Al-Baqarah

The Old Testament and Torah

Please note that the Bible consists of two book. Old Testament (followed by the Hebrew people as it tells of their ancestors) and the New Testament which tells about the life and teachings of Jesus, which the Hebrew people reject. Right now the first half of the Bible is The Old Testament which I am reading at the moment.




Genesis contains the key stories upon which all the Holy Books are based upon and which, Christians, Jews and Muslims accept as FACT to a certain degree. The key stories are:

- Adam and Eve
- Noah and the Flood
- Story of Lot
- Story of Abraham
- Story of Jacob
-Story of Jacob's son Issac
- Story of Issac's son Joseph

So we can say everyone almost starts off on the same page. Almost



Adam and Eve is one of those stories that have scientist banging their heads against the wall for the fact that people take this story as the honest truth behind how the earth was created. Adam and Eve also has many illogical inconsistencies in terms of how it was written. So let me take you step by step through some direct quotes that people need to think about it and rationalize. 


Genesis 2:17 - "But the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die"

This is where sin is said to have come about, because as we know Eve took from the fruit. However, if God is all knowing he must have surely known that the serpant was going to tempt her to eat the fruit. Also, he carelessly placed an important tree within easy reach of Adam and Eve. Why did God not place it away from their reach? God also did lie about the fruit and said that it would kill them. Why did God not tell them the truth? One does not withhold the truth unless they have something to hide. 

Genesis 3:5 - "For God doth know that in the day ye eat there of, then your eyes should be open, and ye shall be gods, knowing good and evil"

Genesis 2:25 "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."

The serpent clearly knew the truth of the fruit. The serpant is made to be evil for tempting Eve to turn her back on God. However, it was the serpent who spoke the truth when God was afraid to tell the truth. The evil deed here was that Adam and Eve were disobedient to God, however once their eyes were open they were aware of the truth. The truth in which they were no longer under the will of God. The will of God kept them good and pure yes, but ignorant. One must ask one's self; do they wish for purity and ignorance, or free will and knowledge. This was God's fear of man superseeding his authority which is God's lost not humanity. 

Genesis 3:16 " Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee"

Of course as a woman this punishmen God bestowed is quite personal. However, this line is confusing for those in the past who knew nothing of the Bible in some cultures, women were not always rules by men with the same vigor that those who followed the book. Also in modern days this is quickly changing. There is of course mention of a woman's pain but no mention of man's pain and sensitivity with his reproductive parts? Could this be biased?

Genesis 3:19 "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art and dust shalt thou return"

It goes on to talk about how Adam was punished by having to till the soil to make bread. However, there were ancient societies  and tribes in the past who knew nothing of bread and lived off of the land. Also there is no mention of people who lived in the north who their whole lives knew nothing but snow and never needed much vegetation to survive. I feel as if sounds like the bias of someone who never knew of life outside planting for food. Surely God who has created everything would give mention to this?

Moving on the rest talks of the Sons of Adam, and whoever begat who..

 ~ NOAH ~

Noah is one of those fine stories I remember my parents reading to me a lot as a child. It's very ironic how they make a disastrous flood God sent to kill 'All' of the population very charming. Which is of course is justified because people were 'wicked' whatever that means. However, out of all the people in Genesis I like Noah the best as a person. I mean this poor old man having to build and maintain an entire ark.  

Genesis 8:20 "And Noah build an altar unto the Lord and took of every cleaned beast and of every clean fowl, and offered it to the Lord."   

This is the first example of ritual requested by God. For me a modern person the ritual of burning animals seems tribal. There is no reason or purpose for this? Why does God request a sacrifice of an animal, for the sake only to be killed and burned? Why is God enticed by the scent of burning flesh in order to appease him?

Genesis 8:21 ".. "I again smite any more everything living, as I have done"

So here we see a compassionate God, however it appears as if God has regret his decision and has decided not to send a flood anymore to destroy all of the earth. However, there is no evidence in our history of a flood which covered the entire world. And of course in the Bible there is no mention of dinosaurs, evolution, the ice age or the meteor which struck years ago. There is no mention of animals which lived and went extinct before man walked the earth, only those which was known during the time. 

By reading Genesis it is assumed various things which does not make sense with man's history.

1. That man was created by God and first placed on earth with the shame of being naked and the desire to wear clothes, even though there are ancient tribes who exist today who wear little to no clothes without shame.

When man was first sent to earth he knew how to till the lands, when even today there are people who survive without tilling soil. And in ancient times people lived off of the land and did not farm.

Genesis goes through a very vague explaination of how the earth was created without any scientific explaination. It simply says, God create this and God created that. Poof* Without any explaination of how and why. Today in the modern era man has sought out and figured out psyshics and chemistry as to how life works, it is taught from when we are young that plants need sun to grow, and that the everything is made up of molecules, cells etc. However, in the Bible there is no insight to that, it's left completely open. God said let their be light... but why when other planets in universe remain in darkness? God created animals... but for what purpose when no other planet near us has life? None is explained. However, I enjoy how romantic and poetic the language is. 

Before we get to Abraham or Abram as he was first called. Here is an interesting quote.

Genesis 11:1 "And the whole earth was of on language, and one speech"

Genesis 11:6 "And the Lord said, behold, the people is one and they have all one language.."

Now I don't remember coming across this story, but I remember reading as child about some tall tower apparently people tried to build to the heavens and become God smited them and thus cause them to speak different languages so they may never attempt it again. However, now is claims everyone was of one language... Never says what language (of course), is it like within a group of people? I don't know this just sound illogical to me, seeing as now people have developed thousands of 'languages'


Again God decides it's a great idea to pester some poor old elderly man. Which I suppose makes sense since he's old and wise. I really don't have many qualms with this story apart from the claim that him and his wife lived to be hundreds of years old.

Genesis 12:7 ".. and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared"

I have certain qualms about ritualistic behavior without purpose in any Holy Book. And I say ritualistic because building altars and making sacrifices were seen as barbaric and tribal because the hold absolutely no purpose except to please what ever God is being worshiped.
It's pointless because it does not benefit anyone, does not increase moral behavior, does not help in health, day to day living. It's just there so God can smell the sweet sweet burning animal flesh, with all the blood. Think about it. Completely pointless for an omnipotent, who sees and knows everything.

Genesis 15:1 "I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward"

This is a very inspirational line, when God aserted himself as Abram's protector. I mean it's conditional love since Abram had to make like several altars by this time. But still can't complain really. So I give this a thumbs up verse.

Genesis 6

This whole blurb talks about what is believed to be the distinction between the Arab people and Hebrew people. When Sarah (Abram's wife) did not believe that she could bear a child for him, she told him to sleep with Hagar the maid instead and thus Ishmael was born. However, Ishmael was not the appropriate heir to Abram's blessings it was to be Sarah's son Issac instead.

Genesis 6:12 "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against his; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethen.

GASP what is this! foresight about the Arab people? Or what some dare to say Muslims today. Think about this, then think about all the global events which happen today. I will get into this another time, but let me continue. The Hebrew people always have and always will be God's favorite, based on the book. You can't believe in the story of Abram and deny this. Because even when they screwed up God still remembered Abram and their blessing still continued. 

Genesis 17:10 "This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised" 

Ok now things start getting messed up in the head. You can read the entire section of 17 which talks about circumcision. There is no reason to do this  apart to simply appease God. A man slicing off the skin from his penis??! OH no no the all powerful God does not use his super power have them be born without one, and the all knowing needs to make sure that they devout by making sure they inflict pain to their newborns. I don't care if you don't remember when you grow up it's SICK SICK SICK. It's like some weird tribal thing. You mean God can't just use genetics to just have people born of Hebrew descent to be born without foreskin. Even little mortal us can probably alter genetics for it to be so. Anyways it's sick, it's wrong. The Old testament does not give any beneficial reasons for doing so. So all the medical apologists who make up stuff about why it's beneficial are full of shit. The old reason if you something from your body should be cut away would be if it was harmful. God's wisdom would have been better use explaining to people how to remove tumors. But of course as skeptic I stay firm in my belief things written are based on bias on what little knowledge people knew back then.

Genesis 18:14 "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

Yes it is, as I've just complained in the chapter 17.

 ~ LOT & the city of SODOM~

The story of Lot is in intriguing story demonstrating God's apparent power to destroy who he wishes, if they are 'wicked' And the people apparently were assholes. Don't mess with God's people is the message behind pretty much. After Lot get's beaten up God destroys the whole city with what I believe to be a volcanic eruption of sorts if you read the vague description. 

Genesis 19:26 " But his wife looked from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."

I remember reading the story of this in a children't book with an image of her as an actual pillar of salt. I can't believe people take this literally, it's complete BS. Here I can stretch it and say maybe they were referring to her stopping and being caught up in the ash or whatever catastrophe engulfed the town.

~ Jacob blesses Issac~

Ok this whole story is the most f-ed up thing I've read. Now Jacob had two sons, Esau and Issac. Esau being the first born was support to get the blessings but Rebekah favored Issac more and tricked Jacob who was too blind and old to see, to bless Jacob instead. Poor Esau weeps, and Jacob is like ' Whooops sorry' too bad no take backs. Let me elaborate.
 Screwed up things.
1. Rebekah favored one son over the other because Esau hunted and was sweaty and hairy, while Issac was the nice clean boy who did no field work. Screw that. What kind of messed up message is the Bible trying to send to parents here.

2. Jacob made Esau give up his birthright AND tricked his father to get the blessings instead of Esau. Out of all the people in that deserved to be killed it was Jacob. I hate violence in the Bible but seriously!! One person disobeys some minor command from God and they instantly die. But Jacob, not once but TWICE pretty much did an act of evil against his own brother, and everything is cool. Him and his great great grand children get blessed forever by God, and get God's protection. WTF is that!? What kind of message is that. Makes me really angry. 

There is no merit to this story. None. Just, that if you are cunning you can get what you want. This should be in the devil's bible. Being rewarded unfairly through dishonest means. 

~ Joseph~

This one is one of my favorite stories. Joseph is by far my most favorite person from Genesis. He is selfish, he is humble (to a degree), he is a strong willed individual. I love this guy. He saves the Egyptian people from a devastating famine which lasted seven years by interpreting dreams for the Pharaoh. 
 Genesis Chapters 37 - 50

I'll go back and make some quotes from the story.

1. Why I love this story

- Even after Joseph's brothers treated him badly, plotted to kill him, but instead sold him to slavery. Joseph forgave them, and shared his ridiculous amount of wealth he acquired at the end of the story with them. Forgiveness, and compassion instead of revenge. I love it. This is what humanity strive for. 

- Those the Egyptians worshiped different Gods and were not Hebrews, God sent Joseph to spare their people. I appreciate in this instant God did not discriminate. Of course all of Joseph's wealth was through the Egyptian people, but hey at the moment everyone more or less worked together and Pharaoh allowed Joseph to give all of his immediate family a comfortable life. 


I'm glad it ended on a positive note. Joseph meets back up with his family, forgives them and everyone is happy. The beginning as I said is a knife to the brain from a science perspective, but if you don' take it too literally it's more of a myth or legend than fact. That should just appreciated and nothing more.

THE QURAN - Al-Fatihah & Al- Baqarah


Al- Fatihah is just one page which is why I'm doing the two Sunnahs. I have one word to sum up my first experience reading the Quran. 'TERRIFYING' It is terrifying, it constantly talks about Hell and non-believers. It's very insecure as it spends most of it's time demonizing people who simply doubt it's authenticity and praises those who mindless follow without asking questions. I love how it seems to personally talk to me since I am a blatant non-believer, and far from ever supporting the Quran. I was expecting better things from it since it is so highly respected, but rarely has anything of substance in it.

Few things to keep in mind.

- Allah is the same God as in the Bible and the Torah.
- The Quran acknowledges the stories in the Bible, both New and Old Testament
- The Quran praises Jesus as one of the prophets

I will say right now these are ridiculous because Allah is nothing like the God in the Bible. AND Jesus rejected all the old teachings and rituals of the Old Testament ,whereas Muhammad brought them back and used those laws (of the Hebrew people which Muslims hate so much) as basis for the laws and rules of Islam. If anything I dare say Quran mixes them up. Anyways let's begin.
~ Al-Fatihah~ 

"All Praise be to Allah.Lord of all the worlds,Most beneficial, ever mercifulKing of the Day of Judgement.You alone we worship, and to you turn for helpGuide us (Oh Lord to the path that is straightThe path of those you have blessedNot those who have earned Your angernor those who have gone astray,"

That's it. Opens with Allah demanding praises. No words of wisdom, no stories, no moral guides, no important lessons for humanity.  If I had never even heard about the concept of God I would be wondering... Praises for what? Benevolent... I DO NOT think so. EVER MERCIFUL.. um definitely not. I will be ranting about plenty of examples along the way. So let's begin with Al- Baqarah

~ Al-Baqarah~

Al-Baqarah is 50 pages long without any clear sub chapters like the Bible so I'll just state my opinion on the whole thing right now. 
It's scary, it talks about hell ALOT. Every goddamn page. (Note Hell does not even exist in the Old Testament) Jews do not believe in hell. Hell, was/is a Christian thing after Jesus, that was adopted by Muhammad for the benefit of mentally caging people into 'believing' or suffer the consequences. This Sunnah is directed at me the non-believer. It pretty much says unless you believe in Islam you are an ignorant twat beyond all hope of redemption. What do you mean you have questions!!? How dare you question Allah all the signs are there Fool!! What signs? You cannot see the signs because you are a non-believer but all the believers know the signs!! It's full of mental backflips like that. It demonizes the seeker of knowledge and truth beyond the Quran and praises those who follow like obedient sheep without any real sense of individual thought. 

2:7 God seal their hearts and ears and veiled there eyes

This is literally the first page and the Quran is already lacking confidence in it's authenticity. It gives attention to people who doubt it and disregard them immediately. It says that those that do not believe, that God has intentionally sealed them away. Allah makes no effort to assert himself and immediately right off the bat says 'People are not going to believe me' Allah should give NO reason for people not to believe Muhammad.

OLD TESTAMENT COMPARISON : Now take the story of Moses for example, when he spoke to God in the burning bush. Moses said " Well why are people going to follow me?" Moses had doubt, but God had no doubt. The God in the Bible says, people WILL believe you and WILL follow you. The Quran, Allah is so concerned about not being convincing. 

2:9 "They (try to) deceive God and those who believe, yet deceive none but themselves although they do not know"

...They do not know? Well if I was God I would have known that slavery would no longer exist in the future, so why bother make rules for it. Again, Allah lacks self confidence that non-believers could even come close to challenging him. It's disappointing.

2:9 "Should we believe like fools?" And yet they are the fools

Really? So you mean by simply asking questions makes one a fool. Does not make sense. One does not learn unless they ask questions.

2:17 "God takes away their light leaving them in the dark. Where they will not beable to see.
2:18 " They are dumb and deaf and shall never return:

 Again why the low confidence. This is Allah the all almighty creator of EVERYTHING. Also why the insults? Is this really necessary? I don't find any kind of insult particularly poetic and admirable. Even if there was book calling Nazi's scum of the earth... I wouldn't praise that book just because of a mutual hatred. Intellectually it's distasteful.

2:14 "But if you cannot, as indeed you cannot, then guard yourself against the Fire whose fuel is men and rocks, which has been prepared for the infidels"

If you don't already know, infidels means non-believers, specifically the other 65% of the world who don't believe in Islam / has never been exposed to it. Technically another insult. Oh an look we have our first mention of Hell. Let's do a Hell count.  (1)

2:28 "He gave you life and will make you die again then bring you back to life"

Of course disputable since no one has ever died and came back as evidence. But whatever who know?